Over the last 2 years, our supporters have helped us gain a truck, 2 new UTV’s, a new trailer, 2 spray units for prescribed burns, and lots of smaller equipment to help steward the land. In an effort to maintain this equipment and keep it in great condition, we’re thinking about long term storage. Currently PLC is able to store some equipment with volunteers, but we don’t want to overstay our welcome. Keeping all our equipment together in one location would allow our staff to complete routine maintenance and upkeep more efficiently.
Our challenge for the next few years will be to raise money toward this workshop space. We are still working out how much space we need, how much we might grow in the future, and where this building will go. We will celebrate fundraising milestones and any progress along the way with all of you. This success is as much yours as it is ours.
Keep an eye out in our newsletters, website Events page, and social media for ways to get involved with and support our efforts to build a stewardship building.
We wouldn't be able to perform stewardship on our conserved lands with volunteers and interns without our equipment!